Spagyrics is a more modern iteration of the word spagyria, in which two Greek words are found: spaó, meaning to draw out or to divide; and ageiró, meaning to gather, to bind, or to join. Put another way, spagyrics is the alchemy of the plant kingdom, in which the plant is broken apart, purified, and then recombined, this said recombination being known as the “alchemical wedding.”
More specifically, the sulfur, mercury, and salt (the soul, spirit, and body, respectively) are broken apart/isolated, then purified via numerous fermentative and distillation processes, and then recombined into some spagyric formulation. This process creates a more purified, potent, and efficacious medicine.
And, by way of the innovative Paracelsus, formed the foundation for many such schools-of-thought today: fields like homeopathy (& electro-homeopathy), modern chemistry, herbalism, essential oils, and more.
And up until not that long ago, spagyrics was well-known and its efficacy more clearly demonstrable. That is, until the advent of scientific imperialism, wherein anything dealing with mind, spirit, or even hinting at alchemical language was tossed out in favor of what I now call Babylon Pharmaceuticals.
Because, unlike modern iatrogenic “medicine,” spagyrics incorporates ideas like the astral body, the notion that not all “dis-ease” is a physical manifestation that can be resolved by a physical remedy; that the electro-chemical parts of our body (the endocrine system being one example) are both electrical and chemical, meaning they contain both an astral and physical component.
On the topic of health liberation/self-liberation, Paracelsus, as well as spagyric practitioners within that tradition, highlight five different etiologies (causes) of dis-ease:
It’s also worth noting the role of meditation and spirituality: as Natural Law shows us, everything is vibration, and in terms of medicine, its efficacy is certainly influenced by the intention, the resonance imbued, and mindset of the one making it.
As indicated in the #1 cause of dis-ease above, the unique field of spagyrics also takes into account the undeniable influence of the Skyclock, the heavens above. This comes into play via the biodynamic farming methods vis-à-vis Rudolf Steiner; that is, recognizing the influence of moon cycles, planetary alignments, etc., and their association with different parts of plants – i.e. when such-and-such planet enters Pisces, a water sign, it might be the best time to harvest/extract, depending upon the medicine desired…among many other combinations and associations.
And as is the case with Eastern medical practice, with the practitioner’s double role as gardener/herbalist, the spagyricist maintains a strong connection with nature: from wild harvesting, to pioneering gardening/agriculture methods that minimize toxins; and at its core, growing food and medicine in accord with Nature as much as is possible.
Whether physical, spiritual, or mental self-liberation, the important role of spagyrics should certainly be clear…and if you’re not yet convinced, don’t take my word for it, as I’m a relatively late arrival.
Instead, hear from Phoenix Aurelius, the founder of the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy, a spagyricist who helps his clients reverse symptoms of so-called dis-ease utilizing this unique, incorporative approach.
Expanding upon my elementary introduction above, in this discussion, he lays out the basics of spagyrics, covers the background/history of its practice, and in essence, how this holistic field has played a massive part in his pursuit of liberation…
And how it can assist you in yours, too.
Further topics discussed include:
To check out the full audio or video podcast, just visit Every episode can also be found on your favorite podcatcher by searching for The Vonu Podcast.
And please do make sure to support his research academy however you can, whether by making a purchase or just by sharing the show – it all helps!
In summation, as Phoenix concludes in this interview, we aren’t going to build the new society by fighting the old; instead, we’re building the new society, with demonstrably better alternatives, and in accordance with the laws of Nature and the Universe.
It’s indeed time to build the Second Realm…and we’re well on our way.