Get crypto for everyday practices

Get crypto for everyday practices

by Brandon Aragon

I’ve been asked how to get started with cryptocurrency many times. The easiest ways to start are by doing what you already do on a daily basis. Using your web browser, watching videos, and even just searching the Internet are all easy ways to not only earn cryptocurrency, but to learn how to use and transfer it as well.

Let’s get started with a crypto search engine. Firstly, Presearch is our gracious sponsor and we are so honored to have them in our corner. I also want to tell you that I personally believe in their project and wouldn’t have thought twice about sponsorship if I didn’t. With that said, Presearch is a great way to get started with crypto anonymously.

You earn Pre tokens, which are ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum network. Pre tokens acquired when searching can later be used to buy ads by staking the tokens. This essentially locks them in place. And if you are the highest bidder staking tokens or have the most tokens locked up for that word/set of words, your ad is displayed on top.

This gives you more traffic and helps stabilize the price of the coin by giving people a great value added use case. The more token you acquire, searches made, and keywords staked, the higher Presearch level you gain. With higher levels, come more reward tokens acquired with searches.

The ability to run a node is a nice touch with Presearch, as you can personally contribute to the infrastructure of the decentralized search engine. The node gateway server anonymizes the search by removing the IP addresses, device codes, and any tracking codes to make their search completely anonymous.

The node gateway server then selects a node that someone is running. The running node distributes the search to available search indexes and a number of other resources. The node retrieves the results and returns it to the gateway. The node gateway provides the node operator with Pre tokens as a reward. The gateway returns the information to the web searcher’s browser. Rewards are paid to all node operators who stake at least 1000 Pre tokens to node.

Presearch has created their own economic system with a decentralized search engine, while rewarding nodes that help their engine, searchers, and keyword staking advertisers all in one.

This is also a great way to avoid Google spying on you. With the Presearch search engine, you can also seamlessly switch between browsers like DuckDuckGo, Etherscan, and yes, even Google, all in the click of a button. I see this token becoming ever more valuable in the future with the multiple use cases. You can also easily purchase the token outright by going to, which seems like a bargain at the time this article goes to press, with just under a $3 million total market cap and a max supply of 500 million coins. For more details, you can also listen to a podcast interview Dag and I did a couple weeks back with the Presearch CEO, Colin Pape.  If you were lucky to hear that episode, the Pre token was at an even lower price with a total market cap of 2 million.

This is another way to earn crypto as you are rewarded by watching video. YouTube has been extremely annoying lately because most of the people I’ve subscribed to have been removed and taken down. As a liberty lover and free speech advocate, I have to say that platforms that censor fellow liberty advocates are not companies that I want to support.

LBRY is a great platform, as well. It is completely decentralized; so much so, that even if someone wanted to remove or take down their videos, they couldn’t. This is because miners who help the network upload videos and load video get rewarded with LBC token. LBC tokens are the currency and you need only 0.01 of an LBC coin to post video; contributing more than that will help your content be seen by more people giving you greater reach. Nice little ecosystem on the LBC coin.

Another way to earn crypto is through the Brave browser. Earn BAT (AKA Basic Attention Token) by watching ads in your browser. It has been compared to Chrome and is faster due to the fact that Chrome has a lot of trackers and does not respect your privacy. You can also use your coins by tipping websites that have signed up with brave, cough, Agorist Nexus.

So far, I like the fact that you earn coins and aren’t tracked by Google. However, I’m a little annoyed that the BAT coins you acquire through rewards are impossible to move without going through KYC (know your customer), where identity is verified by brave. If you wish to avoid going through KYC, which I don’t blame you, you can easily just tip websites you want to support with them.

I first want to thank Flote for giving me a voice again. I was an admin of a page on Facebook called Libertarianism that was created by my brother in 2012; it had a following of 60,000+ people. It was terminated for unknown reasons along with my other pages, Ancapistan and Agorist Nexus. Ancapistan had 25,000 followers and Agorist Nexus had around 10,000. Countless groups with thousands of members were also terminated.

I personally have been censored and know what it’s like to lose years of hard work in an instant. Losing those pages have also decimated traffic and profits to Agorist Nexus and other income streams. Words can’t explain what I’ve lost or how I feel, but it was not anger…it was sadness for the censors and the platform.

This quote sums it up nicely, although I’m not sure about the person quoted:

Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can’t vent any anger against them; I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence.” – Charles Bukowski

My motivations were to simply help free my fellow man and to help educate about the non-aggression principle, private property rights, free markets, and agorism. Fascistbook obviously wants everyone enslaved, so I’ve refused to go back and create another account with them.

Flote is developing a coin and will be implementing it through their platform. I have no idea exactly what they’ll do with it or how it’ll work, but there are some things I’d personally like to see happen with their project.

First, I’d like an option to add the coin to posts gaining reach, almost like ads. Second, I’d like to see some rewards. For example, if enough people like or comment on a post, you’ll be rewarded in the coin, however small, or same goes for being the one to comment, like, or even share posts. This will create more interaction with users and reward them at the same time.

There is a huge incentive to create interactions as a social media site; it also gives people incentives to come back and use the platform more often. Flote does not yet have groups, but I could see group rewards being added, whereby the admin or group creator sets up rewards to members and uses his own coins to incentivize his members. This will also create more demand and use cases of the coin.

Some of the group rewards could include being in the group for a certain amount of time or being a top contributor or moderator of the group. I would also like to see Flote ask you or setup something easily, like mining to increase site speed giving people rewards for helping flote and decentralizing the platform at the same time. I can see this coin being used in a Flote market and being integrated nicely in their support Patreon-like system they already have.

Last thing I can think of is a referral link system that rewards you in crypto for bringing new users to the platform. The more use cases, the more value added to the coin. All in all, I hope the coin is easy to use in all aspects. There truly is real beauty in simplicity and ease of use and this will also increase users. If the new Flote coin is implemented correctly, Flote could dominate the social media market.

Through your web browser, search engine, video platform, and social media you now have great options that reward you for using them, and you can hand out referral and affiliate links for all of these platforms.

To conclude, these are not only great ways to avoid supporting crony corporatists that spy on you, but earn and acquire cryptocurrency while doing everything you’d normally do anyway.


Not financial advice.


Brandon Aragon

Brandon A. Aragon stands at the forefront of the Agorist movement worldwide. Since 2002, he’s been a fierce defender of liberty and libertarianism. As the mastermind behind Agorist Nexus, Brandon has built a vibrant community for those dedicated to spreading Agorist philosophy across the globe. With his deep knowledge in tech, and personal sovereignty, he’s a vocal advocate for cryptocurrency, wielding it as a weapon against centralized oppression. Through his provocative writings and bold activism, Brandon galvanizes a movement towards true autonomy in a world leaning towards authoritarianism. He’s also a fervent proponent for freeing Roger Ver.

1 comment

  • leon

    December 31, 2020

    Very helpful and informative Brandon Aragon. By the way, your how do I open PDF t shirt looked strangely familiar?

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