PPM Silver Personal Care Products

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PPM Silver Personal Care Products
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PPM Silver Personal Care Products

Scuttlebutt says, Silver Is Pirate Medicine

Silver is an amazing full-spectrum antimicrobial. Virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast, molds and protozoa parasites have no reported resistance to silver nanoparticles. 

We distribute unique products with the highest concentrations of silver available for maximum bioavailabilty.

Some Silver History

Silver was used in a variety of forms to treat, cure and prevent a wide range of ailments, before the 1940's. Doctors didn't know much about the various microbes in those days and didn't need to, because silver was known to work well on a wide range of them.

Two millennia ago, physicians began using silver plates and foil on wounds and surgical incisions to resist infection. For over 1300-years, silver nitrate has been used on wounds. Silver sutures were used to help prevent surgery infections starting in 1852. Babies received silver eye drops to prevent eye infections and blindness starting in 1881, even mandated by law in many places until recent years. In 1893 silver nitrate began being used on burns. Colloidal silver used for wound antisepsis was first reported in 1891. Silver foil was applied on closed wounds as dressings beginning in 1896 and was listed in the Physician's Desk Reference until 1955. Colloidal silver became the standard of antimicrobial therapy in the first part of the 20th Century, until the emergence of antibiotics in the early 1940s.

For millennia, wealthy people ate and drank from silver dishes and containers, using silver utensils, because it was associated with good health and better survival during times of plagues. Babies received silver spoons and pacifiers for improved wellness.

Silver is also a preservative once commonly used in water, milk and other drinks. Some royalty would only drink things stored stored in silver. People often put a silver coin in their water and milk to preserve it.

Silver is experiencing a resurgence of interest because it’s widely known to kill microbes resistant to everything else. Also, no reports have been found of microbial resistance to silver nanoparticles. Heavy consumption of things masquerading as colloidal silver have caused a very few widely reported cases of skin discoloration, but with no related health problems. Of all the colloidal silver products on the market, very few are real colloidal silver.

Disclaimer: The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.



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