Category: Articles

The Greatest Threat to the Establishment—Reason

Independent Reasoning is the Extraordinary Feature of an Individual You are a real superhero. You are equipped with a superpower—one that allows you to pierce through illusions, unravel mysteries, and shape your destiny. That superpower is your mental Swiss army knife. We’re talking about reason. It’s not merely the ability to solve sudoku puzzles or
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The Power Within — Individual Sovereignty

The Power Within — Individual Sovereignty

Following the Call to Freedom… You experience many people influencing your decisions every day. People want to tell you what you should do and how your actions should look like. However, at the end of the day, it is you suffering or enjoying the consequences of your behavior. You have to live with the outcomes
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Counter-Economic Attrition: Agorist Strategy During Wartime

Introduction Agorism advocates for peaceful voluntary interactions via counter-economics to starve the beast of any third-party theft taken by the state. Counter-economics is the study and practice of evading and circumventing government systems, regulations, and controls, often through black market activities. Attrition is broadly defined as gradually reducing the strength and effectiveness and making something
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Unleashing the Power of Agorism: A New Way Forward for Economic Freedom

As we navigate through these uncertain times, it becomes increasingly clear that traditional institutions and systems have failed us time and again. The global economy is rigged against the average person, leaving many feeling powerless and disenfranchised. But what if there was a way to take control of our economic lives, to build alternative structures
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Anarchists Who Vote Are Like Atheists Who Pray

Anarchists Who Vote Are Like Atheists Who Pray

The similarity lies in the inconsistency displayed between stated belief and actions. In reality, however, the consequences of an anarchist who votes are far worse than mere inconsistency. An atheist who sinks to his knees is engaging in a personal act that has no necessary impact on the right of others to remain standing. By
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The Life of Benjamin R. Tucker, Disclosed by Himself

The Life of Benjamin R. Tucker, Disclosed by Himself

ARTICLE ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AS “The Life of Benjamin R. Tucker, Disclosed by Himself In the Principality of Monaco At the age of 74 on Tuesday 06 May 2008” On – [The following has been transcribed from a microfilm of pages that were written in Tucker’s hand. Thus, my apology for spelling or transcription errors.
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Stoicism and Agorism: Keep Calm and Build the Counter Economy

On my birthday this year, I was gifted a bronze colored coin adorned with images on one side  and on the other, the words “Wisdom, Courage, Temperance, Justice: Try Not to Exchange Them for Others”. This came from a new friend who would quickly become one of the most important people in my life these
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Doing Business In Mexico

Brandon Aragon and I recently have done some episodes together for the podcast about living within Mexico, but it occurred to me today that I haven’t talked enough about doing business within Mexico. I am currently sitting in a meeting for Anarchapulco in Acapulco with the drivers that we have built a relationship over the
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The Magic of Boundaries

Let’s talk about BOUNDARIES. The idea of this post was borne last Wednesday as we filmed what would be my first episode with Agorist Nexus as cohost of the podcast, with Catherine Bonandin, shared here. A lot of that episode was telling the story of Anarchapulco going from an event with no boundaries or structure
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The U.S. is testing CBDC. This is our last chance.

Anyone who’s been paying attention very recently can tell you that world powers are consolidating ever greater levels of power than we’ve seen yet. It’s been a gradual process building up here, but it was sped up by a pandemic where they exploited people’s desire for contact-free living in order to make things more convenient,
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[Cautionary Words] Beyond Subtly Controlled Opposition

“One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all.” _MLK Jr. When you see a speed limit sign, do you intentionally go faster? When you hear
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Agoraforko: Agorism meets Anarchapulco

Despite what the HBO series might imply, Anarchapulco is far from dead. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go watch The Anarchists on HBO.   Anyway, we (Me, Cat, and the rest of the production team) have been hard at work laying the plans for next year and I am here to share
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Cheering for Death: Why Only Idiots Support War

It’s okay to be an “idiot.” Everyone is ignorant of one thing or another, and I myself used to be an idiot supporter of war, simply because I didn’t realize what it actually was. As the world stands at the precipice of another world war, fomented by bankers and social engineers in the shadows, and
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Food – The Ultimate Weapon of Mind Control

[Step Aside, MK Ultra] Food: The Ultimate Weapon of Mind Control [Note: The audio for this longer article will be available at in the next couple of days for those that would rather listen.] Most people today are familiar with MK Ultra, the most well-known program highlighting the government’s research into using drugs and
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The Anarchists, Agorism On HBO

Last Sunday, the final episode of the HBO series, The Anarchists went live. There is really no weirder experience than reliving some of your most traumatic memories on TV, especially mainstream national TV. Each week for the six weeks prior, I watched along with the rest of the world to see just how much of
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Defeating Fear With Circus Arts

HOW TO NOT BE BITTER AND ANGRY DESPITE TODAY’S WORLD STATE Life is fucking short, too short to be bitter about the state of the world if you ask me. I stay informed to an extent to have an accurate grip on reality, but as far as the nonsense that most of the world spends
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The State of Self-Liberation

If one were to take a gander at government- & Babylon pharmaceutical-controlled media (or even your typical fear-mongering alternative media website), the state of freedom would appear to be dire, maybe even critical and on life support. Furthermore, if one were to find themselves in an open air prison (“city”) like New York City or
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Spagyrics, The Skyclock, & Self-Liberation

Spagyrics is a more modern iteration of the word spagyria, in which two Greek words are found: spaó, meaning to draw out or to divide; and ageiró, meaning to gather, to bind, or to join. Put another way, spagyrics is the alchemy of the plant kingdom, in which the plant is broken apart, purified, and
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State Heretics and State Infidels

The term statolatry refers to worshiping the state as the source of goodness to which all else should be subordinated. In statolatry, instead of having a separation of church and state, the state replaces the church and becomes its own religion. In his book Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War,
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Jitsi: An Open Source & Encrypted Alternative to Zoom and Skype (& The Like)

  Something I’ve stressed at length in recent “creations” (videos, articles, or otherwise) is the importance and advantage of bringing one’s actions in alignment with their principles. Whether we’re talking about the physical or, in this case, the ever-populated digital realm, this holds true. And with many interactions now taking place in cyberspace, whether working
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GhostPhones & The Expansion of The Digital Second Realm

GhostPhones & The Expansion of The Digital Second Realm The Surveillance State & their creepy corporate cohorts have been here for decades, mining all of your private information and feeding it into their AI algorithms. Of course, the stated, cuddly reason is to feed you “personalized advertisements,” but the real goal is to figure out
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The Enemy: Unjust Authority

Tucker understood unjust authority as any coercive force not developed spontaneously and naturally out of the constitution of the individual himself or herself. (1)(2)(3) For Tucker, the dual buttresses of society by force were the authority of the Church and the authority of the State, a union he referred to as a double-headed monster. (4)
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Black Market Jury Nullification

Introduction Whoever decided to click on this link and start to read this, please hear me out. To entice people to read through this, I’ll later talk about private agorist companies paying off jurors to nullify victimless crime laws. I hope that this article may save someone in at least some small way one day.
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Anarchy is Anti-Disorder

One of the banes of the anarchist existence, especially online where anybody can say anything, and basically nobody cares about accountability, is the idea that anarchists simply want chaos, and they simply want to “do whatever we want,” that being usually associated with an assumption that these things that we want to do are unethical.
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A Great Divide and a more useful spectrum

“Human rights are a fine thing, but how can we make ourselves sure that our rights do not expand at the expense of the rights of others. A society with unlimited rights is incapable of standing to adversity. If we do not wish to be ruled by a coercive authority, then each of us must
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The True Value of Freedom

What is freedom? Is a question that all philosophers have to ask themselves if they want to achieve a true understanding of the human condition. But it is also a question that any individual has to ask if he or she wants to achieve any sort of self-determination. What is freedom? How do we understand
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centralization twitter

Centralization – The Enemy of Freedom

Twitter is doing yet another ban wave, and a lot of people are fleeing. It doesn’t help that the CEO of Twitter just quit Twitter, and left it in the hands of somebody who claims that he doesn’t support the first amendment as the baseline for speech policy on social media. While I agree there’s
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‘I Did Nazi This Coming’ — Newest Global Lockdowns Worst Yet

Border closures, renewed business restrictions, and now, this time, the unjabbed being directly forced under threat of violence to receive a so-called vaccination against their will. Oh, did I mention concentration camps? Because there’s those, too. Let’s have a look at the new round of lockdowns and travel restrictions plaguing the planet. All unnecessarily, of
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Government: A System of Slavery

Introduction This is a prequel and a sequel to Legitimizing A System of Slavery. Unfortunately, due to some misreading and misconceptions, some responded with personal attacks and misguided criticisms. I hope to clarify those misconceptions respectfully. Some of those misconceptions are that the article only made “what if” claims and was inconsistent. The other was
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Spirituality for Agorists

Until recently, for me, spirituality and agorism were two completely separate things.  In fact, spirituality was something that other people engaged in to make them feel better about the way the world works. That’s because most of the people I encountered for a long time who were practicing “spirituality” were pretty detached from reality as
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The Increasing Risk of Being a Free Marketeer

The state only wants one thing, and it’s your most important free market asset. While until now tax (theft)-evaders, free marketeers in black and gray markets, and other non-violent traders have been thrown in cages, fined, brutalized, and even killed; now the parasite class wants you to sign away the deed to your own biological
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Decentralization And The Rebirth Of Anarchapulco

Anarchapulco has been a huge part of my personal history. because that is the first place where I started to share my story when we moved to Mexico nearly 6 years ago.  Say what you want about it, but it has really managed to shake things up in the anarchy world, for better or for
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Thanksgiving in California

Are you thinking about having a Thanksgiving dinner this year with your extended family, maybe inviting friends?   Well, if you live in California, or one of the state’s mirroring what they’re doing, you might be in violation of their new “updated small gatherings guidance.” Dr. Mark Ghaly issued a statement on the California Public
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What Do We Expect From the Police? The Fanta Bility Case

Police officers shot and killed an 8-year-old girl, and lied to the public about it for a month. Which begs the question, what if any punishment should police face about lying to the press? 8-year-old Fanta Bility, shot and killed by police following a shooting at a football game. Trust and Concealment There is an
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Cerebral (Cognitive) Counter-Economics: Attention is a Currency

What are you paying attention to?   Traditionally speaking, agorism, or counter-economics, deals with the trading of black or grey market goods/services, despite the threats (lawfare) waged by the servile society, those who falsely imagine themselves to be our rulers. Well, in a world where data is the new oil and unhelpful emotions (i.e. fear,
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Animal Markets, Hunting, and Firearms Regulation in Mexico

It has been only too recent that certain political sectors within Mexico have advocated for, not just the regulation, but the prohibition of hunting. Mexico’s government has had a long history of obedience towards the hegemonic trend, whatever it may be. And these times have favoured the supposed crusades for animal rights and the endorsement
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Agorism is Consistent Libertarianism – A Response

As a writer for this site, it never ceases to amuse me how some people respond to the content here. I get a firsthand account of all of it, and a lot of people’s responses to it are emblematic of the propagandized culture in which we live. There are so many people who criticize things
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[Demystifying The Skyclock] Vedic Astrology, Life, & Liberation

[Demystifying The Skyclock] Vedic Astrology, Life, & Liberation [The following is an article write-up/introduction to the most recent episode of The Vonu Podcast. Listen/watch here:] Many disregard astrology outright, mainly due to its presentation by the servile society. I know I did myself, up until last year. From nonsense horoscopes in the morning paper,
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Mutual defense

One of the major sticking points with statists considering agorism, or any form of anarchy really, is the idea of national defense. They take this as a necessary element of life, despite even statist examples such as Costa Rica, that proves that a national defense or standing army is unneeded.   If we are going
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Legitimizing A System of Slavery

There have been many discussions about a particular topic on social media. Whenever I refer to this topic, the responses I receive lack imagination; what about the roads, type of replies. The case I’m mentioning is politics and getting involved therein. I want to lay this out, so I’m addressing most of the arguments for and
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Napster, File Sharing, and Private Property

In 1999, a teenager named Shawn Fanning[1] created a file sharing application called Napster[2] which took the world by storm. This application revolutionized how MP3 audio files could be shared. Anybody who was into computers at that time can remember how amazing it was to log into there and instantly find nearly any MP3 file
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Remembering The Legend: Rest In Peace Milton William “Bill” Cooper

May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001 [This article is available in podcast and video format at] On this day 20 years ago, the legendary Truth Seeker, Bill Cooper, was killed at his home by local bludgies after an alleged outstanding warrant. This was a mere couple months following the 9/11 false flag (of
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Shouting Into The Void

One of the realizations this “pandemic” has given me that is both liberating and defeating is the realization that the truth doesn’t matter to people anymore. I can write so many articles on the laundry list of lies and obvious mistruths that have been spoken by the elites and their media puppets, but most people
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Free Software for your Small Business or Personal Finances

As the technocrats attempt close the corral gate around us, it’s worth considering how we can adapt to the new security context in relation to our personal property and our ability to transact freely. Fortunately for us, the Free Software movement has been a step ahead of even Alex Jones in calling out the technocratic
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Strategic Relocation

A number of years ago, I was listening to Alex Jones and he had Joel Skousen on to talk about his new book, Strategic Relocation. While most people consider where to move based on school district or work opportunities or whatever, this book was about locations that would be best for survival in a disaster
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The Tyranny of the Dead

Who makes the laws? Who controls us today? Who decides what we can and cannot do? The answer is simple: the government, obviously.   But this simple and accurate answer is also misleading. It allows for some equivocation. What is the government after all? In the fields of political science and political philosophy, it is
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The Second Realm “Notel” (Not A Hotel)

“What’s a notel?” [Daniel from #Agora] “It’s not a hotel, and it’s where you’re sleeping.” [Michael from #Agora] A Notel (“Not A Hotel”) is a concept put forth in the crypto-agorist novella, #agora, as well as Second Realm: Book on Strategy, wherein a house, apartment complex, commercial/industrial zone, or whatever property is rented out to
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Why Political Minds Can’t Understand Konkin’s Simple Idea

“To be great is to be misunderstood.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance A Clash of Libertarian Titans I’ve just been reading Samuel Edward Konkin III’s response to Murray Rothbard’s critique of his seminal New Libertarian Manifesto. It’s interesting to see the volley of friendly flaming arrows exchanged between the two, as both are such highly respected
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Gab’s Andrew Torba accidentally endorsed agorism….

As regular readers of this site will know, I hate big tech. I hate everything about it, from the fact that they’re run by statists, to the amount of money and power the government has given them, to the censorship they will use in enforcement of statist narratives, there’s pretty much nothing I like about
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VonuFest2 [Disconnected From Babylon] – Another Liberating Experience

[This article can be listened to or watched by visiting] The First Realm, the servile society, is a grand deception hellbent on convincing individuals to give up their free will, freedom, and ultimately, their lives. Undergirding it, is a (cult)ure of disempowerment, dependence, coercion, and as per the nature of the Biblical Babylon, total
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Agorism, A Final Introduction

Embrace counter-economics fully, completely, and without reservation – and you are at once freed!   Only YOU, the individual can determine the moment of your liberation, since after all, your liberty is exclusively yours and yours alone. No other man can give it to you, but if they could – the last to do it
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The Dollar is Killing the Planet

There’s been a lot of talk of cryptocurrency lately. Whether it’s been from the media, some celebrity, some businessman, or the government themselves, a lot of people have been weighing in on the subject.   Mostly negative.   Celebrities love to promote a product when they could make considerable money off of it, but they
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The Tianguis, Hallmark of Mexican Agorism

The tianguis is the hallmark of markets in Mexico. The word is the hispanicized form of the Nahuatl “tiyanquiztli”, which means “open air market.”   It has existed in Mexico for millennia since the advent of agriculture and the first urban settlements. It basically sets up in streets, squares, or any form of public space
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Global Adoption of CBDCs and the Agenda to Destroy Private Money

It’s something that most involved in cryptocurrency are aware of — the exponentially quickening global move toward nation-states adopting central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). However, there are many individuals in mainstream culture that have no idea just how far this technology has progressed, or just how devious the agenda behind it is. Even some in
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Why Hard Anarchy Is Pragmatic: A Refutation of ‘Post-Libertarian’ Sophistry

Pragmatic: relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters: practical as opposed to idealistic Merriam-Webster There is nothing new under the sun, as the age-old saying goes, and in anarchist and libertarian circles, it is the same. Yet another “alt-right” (remember those guys?) type of movement
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Cultural Foundations for Mexican Agorism

The agora was a space for trade in ancient times. There, merchants and philosophers alike would meet to exchange their riches, both intellectual and material. The Greeks became famous in their coinage, for they were able to surpass the world power of their time: the Persian Empire. And this word, “Agora”, survived to this day
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An Anarchist Response to Political Crusaders

If you truly love liberty and want to see more of it, allow me the freedom of non-participation.   Foaming at the Mouth for Liberty   We’ve all heard it before: “I’ve done MOAR FOR LIVERRRDY THAN U!” Or that popular alternative: “(insert politician’s name) has done more for liberty than you will in your
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VonuFest2: Disconnecting From Babylon

  [The Second Realm comes to Veritas, P.A.Z.NIA from September 27-October 4 for VonuFest2!] Being a part of the servile society was untenable long before 2020. It’s time to build our alternatives, to build the Second Realm, & this P.A.Z.NIA Network…it’s time to found a Second Realm culture based upon peace, voluntaryism, & truth, not
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Cannabis Genetics and How to Obtain them

One of the most important items to consider when growing cannabis is the genetics that you will be starting off with. Beginning your grow with solid genetics will give you a much more satisfying and productive experience. Due to the legality and required discretion of growing cannabis, obtaining good DNA to start with can be
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The Carl Watner Story

by Carl Watner, Edited by Wendy McElroy   [Editor’s Note: shortly before his death on December 8, 2020, Carl Watner compiled an autobiographical essay that consisted of previously published reflections on his life as well as new, unpublished material. Carl was a co-founder of the Voluntaryist and the driving force behind the modern Voluntaryist movement.
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Masking an Evil Agenda: Why Covid Propaganda Must Be Meaningless Part 1

“The ultimate goal of fire hosing isn’t to pass off lies as truth. It’s to rob concepts, like facts and reality, of their power.” “There’s nothing as humiliating or disempowering as trying to prove the truth.” – Masha Gessen, Russian-American journalist Defending the Obvious — An Exercise in Humiliation Imagine you’re out with some friends
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How the US Made The Taliban

In case you haven’t heard, Afghanistan is in turmoil again. With the fake withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, there’s now a Taliban takeover of the entire country, and the troops the US government allegedly trained either did nothing or didn’t do enough to stop it. Some training that was. As a result, you have
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Tragedy of the commons

The apathetic are apathetic. We are highly unlikely to inspire them to take action. A few might be more resigned than apathetic and they might be open to agorism as a path to real freedom and respect for persons, but overall, a person who is just trying to get by won’t care about our message.
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Rockefeller Medical Mafia: the Endgame Is Now

Medicine in America, or anywhere in the developed world these days, ain’t what you think it is.   There used to be systems of competition that incentivized cheap prices, innovation, and equality of opportunity. There used to be competing schools of thought providing myriad options for patients seeking one or multiple unique types of treatment
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SEK3, Left Libertarianism, and Anarcho-capitalism Part 3

Anarcho-capitalism is sometimes called market anarchism because it seeks to replace the state with a free market and a system of private property that is based on every person’s right to self-ownership. Whatever market services the State has usurped—the adjudication of disputes, for example—would be addressed by contracts and private agencies.   The origin of
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AML/KYC — It’s Not About Your Safety, It’s About Control

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) policies have little if anything to do with keeping people safe, stopping crime, or ensuring economic stability. Logical argument, history, and current events show this is the case. What these regulations are about is much more insidious: controlling every aspect of your financial life so governments don’t
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Manifestation for Agorists

When you’re dealing with an ultra-logical crowd like capitalists and agorists, things like spirituality and manifestation are left on the back burner, thought unnecessary with real hard work. For many years, I was of this mindset.   As a kid, I had some pagan and Wiccan influence from family and family friends.  I thought it
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Rethinking the Unthinkable: Convenience

Is convenience always a good thing?   Of course it is! Who doesn’t want life to be more convenient? We measure much of human progress in convenience. Easier travel, more access to food, easier communication, and more are the hallmarks of progress.   Right? We live in a world where most everything is convenient. What
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Kill the Buddha: Why Your Libertarian Heroes Suck

With Elon Musk demanding a carbon tax today, it’s high time to talk about the ‘Great Man’ cult plaguing libertarianism. That includes Ron Paul.   “If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet a Patriarch, kill the Patriarch.”   -Lin Chi, Zen master, d.866   In a tweet this morning, SpaceX founder
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Preparing for the Upcoming Economic Crisis

There’s no more denying it. We are on the precipice of an economic crisis that will dwarf the Great Recession of 2008. Between the careless, excessive printing of fiat currency and the impending hyperinflation, the value of the dollar is undeniably crashing. However, I believe  that agorists are in a position to not only safely
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7 Agorist Elements of Japan, Under Attack

Before anyone gets their fundoshi in a wad, yes, from a general view, Japan is a collectivist culture. Also, statism holds sway. This article, however, aims to focus on the lesser-known (but very prominent locally) positives of the country many are unaware of — the agoristic elements of life in Japan, if you will. Also
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The 3 Best Cryptos for Helping the Poor

Right now, the legacy financial paradigm isn’t helping many people get out of debt, establish economic independence, or break free from self-perpetuating, vicious cycles of poverty. This is because the state is legacy finance, and the whole idea is to keep people living hand-to-mouth, paycheck-to-paycheck, dependent on government for everything. Crypto, on the other hand,
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Not My Anarchy

I won’t say where to keep my somewhat false sense of privacy, but I’ve been noticing an increase in vandalism in my beautiful city by some anarcho-feminist groups.  In fact, there’s an anarcho-feminist surge within Mexico right now as many women are becoming increasingly intolerant of things like femicide.  In basically every major city, you
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Menger’s Money: Without Agorist Action, Bitcoin Is Dead

No, this isn’t another salty Peter Schiff article about why bitcoin is going to zero, with victorious Davy Crockett goldbugs hopping about in coonskin caps proclaiming they told us so (though admittedly, such a future might be entertaining). This article is about one simple fact: without daily, permissionless use as money, bitcoin will soon be
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Expatriation for Agorists

The recent worldwide lockdowns and mass migrations from country to country, or even state to state have pushed the idea of mobility to the forefront of many freedom lovers’ minds. Even those who live in areas without draconian restrictions on freedom of travel may be experiencing an influx of people who have very different values,
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Agorist Nexus Exclusive: James Corbett of The Corbett Report Weighs In on Agorism, The Covid Psyop, and Libertarian Life In Japan

James Corbett is indeed a force to be reckoned with in alternative media, with his prolific, rigorous, and eye-opening work at The Corbett Report garnering much deserved respect and attention across agorist and anarchist circles globally. Even outside of these spheres of influence, he’s making a big impact. Agorist Nexus contributor Graham Smith recently tracked
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How to Make Money in Mexico

One of the most common questions I get from people is how to make money in Mexico.  I’m a strong believer that if I can do it, anyone can because of the pretty unique hurdles I face with my legal situation.   Many people who follow me know that I came to Mexico with nothing
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Centralization Fail – The Ever Given and the Suez Canal

You’ve probably heard about the Ever Given, and how it blocked the Suez Canal for days. You’ve probably also heard how very disruptive it was to global Commerce, causing extreme shortfalls in not only its own shipping, but a series of ships caught in a traffic jam behind it. But a good question to ask
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Piracy Is Not Theft, Private Keys Ain’t Property, and IP Is Garbage

TL;DR/Trigger Warning: The author is not pro-theft. The author likes and uses crypto and bitcoin. You cannot own an idea or information, and to use violence to claim ownership over such, is not a valid libertarian/anarchist/voluntaryist/agorist position. Pirates are cool.   Arrrgh! Piracy!   Sure, hanging out in a wooden ship with guns and knives
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QUIZ: 5 Signs You Are ‘Woke’ in the Time of Covid

What follows is a simple diagnostic exercise to determine if you or your loved ones may be as smart as a bag of hammers on a pile of dirt with no human soul around for miles. Take the quiz and score yourself from 1 to 5, 5 being “MAX WOKE” and 1 being “STILL A
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