
Wendy McElroy

Wendy McElroy is a Canadian Individualist anarchist and feminist. She co-founded the Voluntaryist magazine and modern movement in 1982 and has authored over one dozen books and dozens of documentaries. She worked for FOX News for several years, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in both scholarly journals and contemporary journalism sites such as Reason Magazine,, Mises Institute, and Penthouse. She has been a vocal defender of Wikileaks and Julian Assange.











Sal Mayweather

Sal Mayweather is a practicing counter-economist, crypto-anarchist, & dedicated Rothbardian. He is the host The Agora podcast, publisher of The New Libertarian blog & CEO of Agoristics.













Brandon A. Aragon

Brandon A. Aragon stands at the forefront of the Agorist movement worldwide. Since 2002, he’s been a fierce defender of liberty and libertarianism. As the mastermind behind Agorist Nexus, Brandon has built a vibrant community for those dedicated to spreading Agorist philosophy across the globe. With his deep knowledge in tech, and personal sovereignty, he’s a vocal advocate for cryptocurrency, wielding it as a weapon against centralized oppression. Through his provocative writings and bold activism, Brandon galvanizes a movement towards true autonomy in a world leaning towards authoritarianism. He’s also a fervent proponent for freeing Roger Ver.










Storm Delagora

Storm Delagora is a classically trained philosopher, specializing in logic and ethics, with over 20 years experience as a writer, and lecturer, as well as a practicing agorist in the fields of interior and architectural design, and general contracting.












Graham Smith

Graham Smith is an American expat living in Japan, and the founder of Voluntary Japan—an initiative dedicated to spreading the philosophies of unschooling, individual self-ownership, and economic freedom in the land of the rising sun.













Shane Radliff

Shane originally launched Liberty Under Attack (LUA) in 2015 as a live radio show/podcast focusing on solutions to increase personal freedom. In January 2017, he launched The Vonu Podcast, a podcast dedicated to the revival of the long-lost freedom strategy and philosophy known as vonu.

In late 2018, he formally launched LUA Publications as a natural next step to his archiving of old vonu publications. He is a free market anarchist/vonuan and specializes in proofreading/editing, paperback formatting, and audiobook production/narration.





Jeremiah Harding

An angry anarchist bent on black-pilling the universe, he hits hard on everything ranging from taxation to technocracy. Everything is a conspiracy, or at least that’s what he wants you to think. He’s written for Poliquads, various libertarian sites, and his personal anti-state propaganda site, which launched last year. He has a podcast, called The Weekly Hellscape, where he details the week’s news, from the opposite perspective of friendly, and he has a YouTube channel, where he descends into madness. He’s coming for all your sacred calves. Stay tuned!











Lily Forester

Lily Forester is a drug war refugee living in Mexico surviving on the agorist lifestyle with her dog, Renegade, and cat, Satoshi. She has been committed to the agorist lifestyle since learning about it in college, where she was being forced to specialize in one field. Agorism suited her multifacted interests and desire for a rich and diverse life. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency became an essential part of her agorist lifestyle in 2012 and she has lived off cryptocurrency since 2014. Currently she survives off the following: writing, audio editing for two podcasts, promotion, crochet, transcription, virtual assistance, and social media management.












David Jäkle

David JäkleDavid is a recent graduate of Business Administration. Stumbling into Bitcoin and recognizing propaganda around the covid narrative, he began to research Austrian Economic as well as libertarian and anarchist principles, which are not very prevalent in his home country Germany. He authors the blog Libertarian Thinker where he explains libertarian and Austrian economic concepts in a simple way and stands against tyrants on X.












Alex Utopium

Black Market Brewer, Konkinite, and Micro-gardener based in Oslo, Norway. Loves collectibles and short walks on the beach.















Tom TechLibre

Tom ‘TechLibre’ is an expat and who grew up in the Rocky Mountain West and now lives in Peru. He’s worked in fields as diverse as ranching, haute cuisine, and teaching applied linguistics. He’s a plain old Anarchist who got into the lifestyle through 80’s Punk Rock and somehow managed to survive long enough to help raise the next generation of freeborn people.












Dagorist is a farmer/homesteader in Florida. He is dedicated to providing clean food to his community, and to teaching others how to produce food for themselves and their families. He believes that being more self sufficient is a huge factor in realizing freedom. Dag has made several appearances on homesteading and free market podcasts.














Ryan the TechnoAgorist

Ryan lives in the woods with his wife and five children. He is a software developer and podcaster who enjoys decentralized tech and simple living.












Free Market Militia

Free Market Militia

Free Market Militia is an Agorist transformed by the overreach of the COVID-19 measures. Now, he delves into the free market of ideas, empowering others with knowledge about their rights and liberties.











Magnus Panvidya

Life long activist focused on instances of state corruption and violence.











e. neilson

Agorist, artist, homesteader and budding herbalist. Just a regular girl trying to live free in an enslaved world. Lover of all things weird and wonderful. Plant enthusiast and dog mom.