
Envisioning A Agorist Paradise

Especially in recent times, it’s easy to get so caught up in looking at what is wrong with the world that we often forget to look at what the world we would actually want to see is like.  I can’t speak for everyone but the world I envision has very little restrictions…..a world without oppressive
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Facebook is Failbook – here are some alternatives

Note: certain entries moved to the bottom because they are defunct. So, because our page was recently banned from Facebook, I decided it was a good time to go on the offensive about some of the shadier aspects of them, and their connections with statism. This is part two of a series I began about
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Facebook is not a private company

Facebook is not a private company

So, for those of you who haven’t heard, our page was summarily banned from Facebook with no reason given, no terms of service broken, and nothing unethical done on our part to justify such censorship. Beyond potentially saying things that the government does not like us saying, our account was only used to promote peaceful
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Composting Marxism with Konkin

The last Marxist isn’t born yet. No matter the evidence against the theories, both practical and more paper-bound versions, there will always be those that will pick up and promote the ideology. Here, I will showcase two such persons and give a free market look on snippets of their work.     Wacky World of
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Agorism Is Ancient

How old is agorism, really? We know the concept was articulated in 1974 by Samuel Edward Konkin III, but I’d be willing to bet the concept in its raw, natural state is a lot older than that.  My theory is that Konkin just developed a political and anthropological label that is agorism to describe something
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The Marketplace of Ideas

Agorists often speak of organizations, including businesses, that we can create to promote freedom. As these often help those not familiar with agorism or anarchism see peaceful ways to progress this is a great approach. These alternatives address immediate practical concerns, which is often a great way to get others on board. However, there is
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The Navajo And The Contaminated Water Problem

Introduction A friend came to me and presented the problems the Navajo face and are going through. Much of the water they have is contaminated by uranium from abandoned uranium mines and the Church rock spill. Details on this later. This article is an attempt to bring awareness to as many people as possible and
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Detroit: The Unknown Agorist Haven

The time I spent in Detroit was arguably the best time I spent in the United States before leaving. It was also my only experience of living in what I considered to be an agorist community before leaving. The idea to move there came when we were already living off grid in Cleveland and being
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Review: An Agorist Primer by SEK3

Samuel E. Konkin III (SEK3) died alone on February 23, 2004 of natural causes at the age of 56 in his apartment in West Los Angeles, California. SEK3’s life was dedicated to one ideal: Agorism which is the movement he founded. Agorism seeks to achieve an anarchist society through a peaceful revolution called counter-economics—that is,
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The Peer-to-Peer Economy: Barter 2.0?

Thanks to the covid-19 virus, or more accurately, the hysteria that came as a result of it, we are facing a great many changes in social interaction for the foreseeable future. As agorists we ought not sit idly by merely allowing these changes to happen to us. Instead, let us take positive action to make
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Agorism v. Anarchism: What’s The Difference?

I found agorism and anarchism at the same time in my life, nearly 10 years ago at this point.  At the time I considered them to mean nearly the same thing. Over the years as I became heavily involved with the modern day anarchist community, I started to note a distinct difference between the two.
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The Properties Of Money And Cryptocurrency

 “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” -Henry Ford   Money in general is an important part of agorism. We use it to trade with one another voluntarily in a free
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Cookie-Cutter Unrest in Japan Shows the Global Covid Clampdown Is No Accident

Copycat Unrest in Japan It’s hard to believe that large anti-racism protests and shouting down of cops outside their stations have now come to typically mild and timid Tokyo, Japan — but that’s what’s happening. When I first saw footage of crowds marching through Shibuya, bearing neatly printed placards with slogans copied from America’s highly
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Economic Separatism – The Stable Fragility

As a Swede living in Norway, with friends and family on both sides of the border, I have the sketchy privilege of hearing the jungle telegraph from (at least) two different angles. These past few months of quarantine, lockdown, and overall media frenzy have been interesting in this regard. Don’t worry, you’re not going to
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You Might Be An Agorist If

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what makes an agorist, and have come up with a list of 15 things along the theme of “you might be an agorist if”. Sure it’s a spinoff of some bad comedy skits, but I think it’s a cool way to showcase what I’ve noticed in many agorist
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Anthony L. Hargis And The Trusted Third Party Trap

The anarchists who congregated around Samuel E. Konkin III (SEK3) and formed AnarchoVillage had innovative ways of making their money less visible to the state. They evolved systems of black-market money—that is, money that could be earned and spent under the table. Their activities undoubtedly brought them financial benefits but the primary motivations were political
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How to Become a Pirate: Counter-Economics in the Time of Covid-19

One fact needs to be dealt with right off the bat, and put openly on the table before any meaningful discussion on agorism or counter-econ can be had: we are facing a violent threat. The state does not play nice, play fair, or have compassion. It is brutal and violent, and a hallucinated abstraction which
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You Need To Be A Grey Man – Here’s How

So, you’re running from the state. Or pandemonium has just struck your local neighborhood and you need to get away or even just get back to your house. Another possibility, you’re in a foreign country and things just went tits up. Or perhaps you just pissed off the wrong person or the wrong group of
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How to Obscure Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Transactions

Over 11 years into bitcoin’s trajectory, it’s still a commonly held and incorrect belief that bitcoin transactions are anonymous. They may not include your name, but without taking proper steps, data can be aggregated about your addresses and wallets that could tie your identity to your funds. For some people this might be alright, but
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An Agorist Revolution through Fiction

An Agorist Revolution through Fiction

Suppose you are writing a Science Fiction story set in the future. You want one or more model societies to use as background and possibly contrast. One you consider is libertarian. What should it look like; more importantly, that should it not resemble. Libertarian-like societies have been presented by Heinlein, LeGuin, Russell, Kornbluth, Anderson and
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Let Our People Go – The Medical Case For Reopening Society

The apocalypse is still afoot. That oil war I told you about in this article has suddenly become less relevant as the stockpiles of oil max out, and the price of oil tanks, due to this completely unnecessary lockdown I wrote about over here. For those of you who actually read that article, congratulations. You’re
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Agorism And Breaking The Chains Of The State

What is Agorism? Agorism is a libertarian social philosophy that advocates creating a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, thus engaging with aspects of peaceful revolution. Avoiding State Extortion Everything the government has is stolen, and therefore government is not legitimate. It would be the same as
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How to Protect Yourself from Covid19 collapse with agorism

I don’t know about you but I’ve been preparing for a worldwide crisis of some sort since 2012, which is around the same time I found Agorism.  It was all largely in response to the fact that I saw some big event coming and I wanted to be ready for the day I should need
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How to bug out to Mexico

Part of my motivation for becoming an agorist was to be prepared for any sort of collapse that may come about.  The way I saw it 8 years ago was this: collapse of some kind (likely financial) was coming soon and I had no skills to exist in a world without government, even if that
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An agorist’s response to the panic and “pandemic.”

We are seeing governments around the world doing what they always do, which is telling people what they are allowed to do,  of course without any moral basis. Worse yet in most cases, it is without any reasoned belief in the success of their actions. Those in power tell people that they are taking action
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Anarchovillage: Ground Zero of Agorism

Between 1975-1991, a remarkable 16-year-long event occurred just west of Cherry Avenue at 1838 East 7th Street in Long Beach, California: anarchovillage. The village was an apartment complex, along with an adjacent house, which were serially occupied by agorists, anarcho-capitalists, libertarians, frefans, and various other dissidents; they lived alongside the handful of “normal” renters who
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Panopticon Rising: Covid19, and the elite enslavement plan

In case you haven’t heard, the world is ending. Stocks are low, bears are everywhere, and the dollar is suffering. The National Guard is deployed, and governments globally mandate that territories are locked down. Streets are clear, businesses shuttered, police ordered to force people indoors, at the orders of governors, and everyone’s being bombarded with
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Quarantine Subterfuge : How To Travel In Lock Down.

“Movement is the universal language of personal freedom.” -Louis Chevrolet     In this article I’ll show you how to move during quarantine, avoid and deceive authorities with forged quarantine documents.  Before I get to the good parts we must first deal with useful idiots who will call the extortionists on you for not obeying
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Easy Privacy – Five Apps for State Evasion and Subterfuge

For anyone who has read my last article, you know that the state is about to effectively clamp down on people who use encryption software. So, I figured a good series to start would be discussions of specific, high quality encryption software that I use, or that I can recommend using. This series will help
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Hacks for a Modern Day Agorist

Traditionally, agorism was simple. Have skills, make money off them. In the modern world, however, we have a different situation and as the internet has taught us, modern problems require modern solutions. So how does one manage agorism in the modern world? What does that look like for the average person?   I’ve compiled a
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Economic Collapse is Inevitable, and a Long Time Coming

An old slogan goes, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”, and the US has been playing extremely stupid games for a long time now. As many of you may have heard, the stock market has been having some trouble lately. It seems that market manipulations which trickle down from a state level, combined with an
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Black Market: Friend or Foe?

In most anarchist circles it is taken for granted that the black market is a great ally and resource. Is that really the case though? Are there negatives inherent to the black market? Could it be that the black market actually helps the state, perhaps as much as the state creates the conditions for black
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Mexican markets are the perfect agorist paradise

Agorism is all about voluntary exchange in spite of the powers that be. It’s about living free in spite of oppression; in some ways, it’s a more realistic approach than simple anarchism for many because it provides a solution. It’s more than a philosophy but a lifestyle in itself. I caught glimpses of it with
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The Konkin-Rothbard Divide

TAGLINE. A significant event in the history of libertarianism has received virtually no attention: the ideological schism between iconic figures Samuel E. Konkin III and Murray N. Rothbard.   Samuel E. Konkin III (SEK3) founded Agorism—a social philosophy that seeks to create a voluntary society through the peaceful revolution of counter-economics. He defined “counter-economics” as
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Birth Of An Agorist

Agorism has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, although I didn’t have a name for it for most of my life. My parents have always just called it “getting by.” My agorist nature comes from the influence of my parents and how they chose to make money during
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The Building Trades An Opportunity Suited to Agorism

The Building Trades: An Opportunity Uniquely Suited to Agorism. Today, the skills gap is wider than it’s ever been. The cost of college tuition has soared faster than the cost of food, energy, real estate, and health care. Student loan debt is the second highest consumer debt category in the United States with more than
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Agorism and the Law

What actions should we engage in as agorists trying to make a better world despite the legal obstacles? That question may be impossible to answer in a precise manner. The actions we choose to take will depend factors from our opportunities, abilities, and of course the level of risk we are willing to take. First, I would suggest that we stay focused on helping others. Secondly, we stay focused on depriving the state of taxes. This helps us stay focused on the bigger picture of transitioning to a free society, as opposed to just reacting negatively to the existence of tyranny.

The Moral Foundation of Agorism

    Agorism embraces the idea of basic respect for persons, though Konkin may never have spelled it out in these terms. The core idea is that the individual is inherently worthwhile, and no one has a right to own or otherwise control the peaceful actions of that person. However, what is missing from agorism,
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Cryptocurrency, money, and marking time

“If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.” – Edmund Burke Time is our most important asset. None of us can buy or earn more, we have what we have. Because we cannot do everything all at once, we discovered that through trading
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Agribusiness Agorist Style

As agorists seeking to demonstrate that the state is obsolete, we look for new solutions to real world needs. To be successful, we must look to alternatives and to the fringes to find voluntary solutions to the problems of the world. We cannot take the well-trod path, doing the same thing everyone else has been
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Agorism and Intellectual Property Abolitionism

In the early ‘80s, the Los Angeles area was an intellectual feast for libertarians of every stripe because it exploded with supper clubs, student groups, debates, conferences, small magazines, and larger-than-life personalities. The interaction was so politically intimate that a resident wit described libertarians as people “who make a living by selling newsletters to each
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An Agorist Education

“My schooling not only failed to teach me what it professed to be teaching, but it prevented me from being educated to an extent which infuriates me when I think of all I might have learned at home by myself.” George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) We all want to provide an education for our children, but
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Sending the Right Message

Appealing elements of agorism One of the more appealing elements of agorism is the sheer practicality of it. We deny the lifeblood of the state while creating solutions to real-world problems. We need to be just as practical in our interaction with those who believe that government is necessary or worse yet, good. We need
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An Effective Replacement for State Licensing

“Occupational licensing directly affects nearly 30 percent of U.S. workers today and continues to grow in density and scope.”(Thornton 2015)This figure ought to scare all liberty-minded people, as well as those simply concerned with safety and quality. Licensing does nothing to guarantee safety or quality. In practice, licensing does quite the opposite. Licensing acts as
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Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Real World Agorist Solution

For hundreds of years, money lenders have been viewed in a poor light, often for good reason. Lenders were essentially a cartel that controlled interest rates and allowed a narrow set of conditions in which loans would be made, all while being protected by political powers. This left many — if not most — people
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Take a Step

By now, it is likely you know what agorism is, but you may feel overwhelmed by all the things seemingly have to do as an agorist. Perhaps it is unclear as to what can be done right now. Hopefully, this will clear confusion and draw inspiration from some unlikely sources. Three primary ways to act
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Toward a Vision of Agorist Justice

The simplest way of understanding justice is giving people what they deserve. This idea goes back to Aristotle. The real difficulty begins with figuring out who deserves what and why.—Michael Sandel [Emphasis added] Anarchist justice confronts two broad categories of crime: statism and wrongs done by individuals to each other. Each requires a different approach.
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Anarchism for a Post-modern Age

“The thin and precarious crust of decency is all that separates any civilization, however impressive, from the hell of anarchy or systematic tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface.” Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963), British writer I. Overview of Theories of Anarchism Politics, in all its forms, has failed. The notion that we can safely
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