10 Ways The Government’s Covid Response Worsened Your Health

10 Ways The Government’s Covid Response Worsened Your Health

by Jeremiah Harding

For those of you who read my article on the draconian measures being taken in response to coronavirus, or possibly my other article making the medical case for ceasing the lock down restrictions, you already know how I feel about this subject. I’m not going to repeat that too much. But in the spirit of my other article on how the government is bad for your health, I thought I’d do a specific piece on 10 ways the US government’s response to coronavirus makes illness worse. I’ve basically been banging the drum about this on social media for a long time now, but I figured that it would be an interesting way to add to my health series that I’m making on this site. And the fact is, most people aren’t talking about the totality of foolishness and downright dangerous ideas perpetuated by the state, which will lead to much more illness and death in the long run. So I figured I would enumerate ten of them, in an attempt to paint a vivid picture of the insidious nature of asking a cancer like government to solve a disease.


10) I’m gonna start with arguably the most important aspect of this picture, which is that panic, and general stress increase your cortisol level, which in turn, reduces your immune response. When every moment of your waking life is concerned with the latest death and case totals, and when everything around you is bombarded by state propaganda about how awful this virus is, your cortisol levels will be sky high if you buy into that. It’s like the Cold War – they called it the “red scare” for a reason – people were terrified. This is yet another example of public fear, and public fear leads to an overwhelmingly stressed population which cannot handle the most benign of illnesses, because their immune systems are suppressed by high levels of cortisol. Stress has also been linked to higher levels of inflammation, atherosclerosis, long term frailty, and literally the activation of latent viruses. Basically, not only can it reduce your immune response, but it can reduce it to the point where old viruses to which you may have already become immune might start to rear up yet again.


And to top it all off, according to the same source where I got this information from, chronic peer victimization (also known as bullying) in early life can lead to a reduced immune response in general, along with a host of other things one can experience in early life. Needless to say, this escalated environment of fear is going to cause a lot of children to have long-term suppressed immune function in general. But it’s not like that stops when you’re a kid in this culture of shouting down everyone who doesn’t have a mask, or who doesn’t appear to be following these largely arbitrary government restrictions. I don’t know what could be considered a more counterintuitive response to a virus then to keep everybody so afraid and so stressed that their immune systems don’t even function properly, but I think if people truly want this to go away, assuming it’s even as bad as the media tells us it is, a culture of high stress, peer pressure, and more, is not a culture conducive to either short or long term virus elimination.


9) #StayInside and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. The idea that we’re suddenly supposed to reject millions of years of evolution, and hundreds of thousands of years of human action, and say that it’s suddenly OK to remain constantly sunless and indoors is absurd. Not only do low sunlight levels cause seasonal depression in many people, but anxiety disorders and panic attacks have been listed as caused by low sun exposure as well. So, this goes to my previous point about stress. But, additionally, sunlight is often associated with the production of vitamin D and white blood cells, which means that staying indoors can actually be deadly to anyone who has low immune function and cause people with normally functioning immune systems to have poor immune function. This means that a “stay indoors” policy is actively counteractive to the necessary biological functions to fight coronavirus. But that didn’t stop the elites from telling you that society had to turn into a prison did it?


8) It’s not delivery – it’s death. A natural result of the policies ordering everyone to stay indoors is that many people didn’t see a way to a store, or there was a run on stores, leaving them depleted of everything of quality. Some places ended up looking like warzones, complete with smashed shelves, glass, and more. This led to a lot of people starting to order delivery a lot more, combined with a lot more visits to fast food restaurants, albeit not using the lobbies. But the problem here is that processed foods are very bad for your immune system. And that’s what most fast food is. Same with this stuff people have been stocking up on as a result of the economic downturn.


An article published by Harvard Medical goes over the fact that highly processed foods and a diet primarily consisting of them are not only bereft of certain key nutrients people need for a strong immune system, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein, but they go a long way to actively destroying food diversity. This creates an environment lethal to the gut microbiome and results in an extremely unhealthy relationship with food. It also increases a variety of diseases, and can increase your likelihood of autoimmune diseases later on down the line. It might seem great that you can order conveniently from your phone, but if that costs you your long term health, then it’s not something you should do. That didn’t stop the state from telling everybody to panic so that stores ran out of healthy foods, and it didn’t stop them from encouraging people to switch to the gig economy and get a job with Uber Eats, Grubhub, Doordash, and more, all to help streamline the process of making people unhealthy as a result of their eating habits. When you cripple the economy, people will find employment where they can. But that dead gut microbiome brings me to my next point.


7) Sanitizer is insane. The amount of people pushing for using sanitizer nearly everywhere is absolutely off the charts lately and it makes sense. In a world where everything seems unclean, people often rely on the thing that they believe cleans things. But there’s one problem with that period sanitizer, as anyone who has worked any sort of food service or medical job before can tell you, does not clean, it merely sanitizes. This means it gets rid of a significant amount of bacteria, but it does not get rid of viruses or actually make the surface clean. That doesn’t stop the CDC et al. from recommending that all retail establishments begin to sanitize everything in their stores in a way to combat Covid. Despite working for the same government which says no sanitizer has been approved to fight covid, the recommendation is to still use sanitizer everywhere, and people are literally running out of sanitizer, if not actively hoarding it so that they can price gouge later.


Not only is this ineffective in combating coronavirus, but as many of you will recall, there was a huge push in much of the mainstream media not too long ago to discuss the possibility that overuse of sanitisation chemicals can cause superbugs to arise. This means the kind of bacteria which, with no competition, and no built up immune response, could be more deadly than any of the others. Think MRSA. Therefore, you have to ask why this absurd requirement in many states to hyper sanitize everything is being pushed, especially given the fact that the only thing this will do in the long term is reduce people’s immune function and create superbugs. It’s almost like the state wants to perpetuate the problem for as long as possible, so they can build a bigger and bigger government in “response”…which might be why they’re now encouraging social distancing.


6) Staying away from other people is bad, m’kay? Never being exposed to anyone else’s pathogens is a good way to reduce your immune system’s capability to respond to said pathogens, and a blanket policy to do so increases the likelihood of getting sick from literally everything else other than Covid. Additionally, to speak to the point about stress earlier, a lack of physical human contact is extremely bad for your immune system, and regular human contact with somebody you care about has been known to lower stress dramatically. So, this atmosphere of alienation and distance is only going to make anything worse, whereby people won’t have the boldness to engage in basic human interaction and the isolation will literally kill some people; especially old people, who are primarily affected by this disease, and dying alone in nursing homes and retirement communities. We’re all isolating ourselves into an early grave. Isolating and…


5) … staying away from gyms, running trails, public workout areas, and more. Fitness has been at all-time lows recently and in 2016, obesity was already triple what it was in 1975. Getting fatter and not fitter, has an array of health effects, not the least of which is lowered immune function. Regular exercise has been shown to boost immune function, and the fact is, with all these gyms shutting down and all these people staying at home in one place, fitness is going to suffer. Most people have no concept of how to get an effective home workout in and many people simply have no desire to. Add to that a government order to basically be sedentary, and many people will jump at the chance to not jump up from their seat. This brings me to my next point.


4) Sedentary lifestyles are deadly, and all of these combined factors lead to the encouragement of a sedentary lifestyle, whereby people are in front of devices all day long, trying to escape from the reality of their trapped existence, rather than living their lives. This kind of lifestyle encourages cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a variety of other illnesses, all of which have a much higher morbidity rate than coronavirus. Many doctors who have been looking into things like this for awhile mourn the loss of physical activity, as they understand that this will only encourage all of the diseases. You might flatten the curve in terms of coronavirus, but with unhealthy becoming the norm, so many people are going to lose so much in the way of immune function, all while their bodies lose the ability to even function properly, much less produce a proper immune response to anything. And how will the medical system respond to that?


3) Empty hospitals are real. And where they aren’t, hospitals are being massively transformed into coronavirus treatment centers, at the expense of all other patients and medicine. Massive sections of hospitals are being set up for social distancing, quarantine, and other standard protocols for dealing with this virus, meaning certain hospitals have entire wings going unused, and many others have simply put off treatment for other diseases for a certain amount of time. It’s a perfect storm between the encouragement of unhealthy lifestyles, and the gridlock of the medical infrastructure, rendering it less capable of dealing with that, will cause a huge amount of social shut down and medical disaster. How can we deal with all of the new heart disease cases from all of the processed food people are eating and all of the ways people are becoming more and more sedentary if hospitals can’t even operate to capacity?


2) It won’t be dealt with – and the state made healthcare expensive, and alternative medicine taboo. This means that while people are extremely unhealthy, it’s hard to access health care without expensive insurance or a big pocketbook in general. And people can’t practice their own medicine on their own time, because so many people have tried, have either lost access to their methods, or been jailed over them. Reminder that marijuana is still a schedule one narcotic, despite having demonstrable medical benefits. So, the state damages your health, hyper regulates and inflates medical costs, cucks to price gouging Big Pharma executives and other special interest groups, so that the cost of getting health care is reprehensible, criminalizes a lot of alternative medicine, makes us all unhealthy with massively unhealthy lifestyle decisions, cripples hospitals, stresses us out, and then wonders why there are so many cases of an illness. I wonder why?


1) The state is cancer. For a long time they have made it clear that human experimentation is OK when they do it. Frequently, the common citizen acts as their guinea pig, with mass public trials of various things potentially causing a long series of immune problems. Whether it be propping up polluters, being polluters, creating high stress infrastructure, and hostile architecture, militarizing many state agents (not the least of which are cops), and generally creating an environment of “us versus them”, this creates the illusion that not participating in a very narrow range of options is tantamount to doing nothing. And they do this while making it so that those narrow range of options don’t move the needle on any of these issues, meaning they’ve effectively taken the power for controlling one’s health out of one’s hands.


As a result, when circumstances get to the point where people need guidance, they get guidance from a bureaucracy which does not care about their health, and which will ultimately tank everyone’s health in the name of “public safety”, “welfare”, or something. They have robbed you of your health freedom, and now claim the right to control you based on the results of that. They have infected our infrastructure and metastasized to the point where we can’t move an inch without touching something they affected. The state is a cancer and the proper health response to a cancer is to excise it if at all possible. And it is possible. We just have to want it badly enough.


The question is, how badly do you want it?


Jeremiah Harding

An angry anarchist bent on black-pilling the universe, he hits hard on everything ranging from taxation to technocracy. Everything is a conspiracy, or at least that's what he wants you to think. He's written for Poliquads, various libertarian sites, and his personal anti-state propaganda site, which launched last year. He has a podcast, called The Weekly Hellscape, where he details the week's news, from the opposite perspective of friendly, and he has a YouTube channel, where he descends into madness. He's coming for all your sacred calves. Stay tuned!